I am in shock, disbelief, an utter denial. Raymond Lumsden, professional and lifelong womanizer, is engaged to be married to Kristina Paez. Its true ladies, He has actually given her a ring and they are set to marry in the Cayman Islands on October 10th, 2010!! (10/10/10). I saw this on his facebook page a while ago and I actually laughed out loud. But, he seems to be in love with her, if you can actually believe that. So many of us have given the good fight to make him our own, and have failed miserably. And somehow, some way, this Kristina has been able to get a ring out of him? She must have something on him? In fact, I would lay 10-1 odds that he backs out, or does something to destroy the relationship so that he doesnt actually have to go through with it! Any takers? But then again, I could be wrong. I cant believe I am saying this,but it seems as though he truly does love her. I mean photos of them on his FB page, a beautiful ring, and the whole 9 yards. Could it be? Has someone actually, finally, made their way into this mans heart? I am in shock. I will admit that I for one, was once very close to him and give my everything to him. I tried and tried and tried and he just wouldnt commit himself to me 100%. I give this Kristina her props, as she has accomplished what many of us could not. But,I'm not going to believe it until I actually see a wedding take place. Somehow, some way, he will mess it up either on purpose, or accidental. I just cant believe this. No, I just refuse to believe this. If you are wondering, yes, I still love him and the news of this is heartbreaking to me. There, I said it.
I will always love you Raymos. I am in absolute shock.